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Give Your Fitness Routine A Spring Cleaning

April 25th, 2019 | Blog, Steve Moye | Comments Off on Give Your Fitness Routine A Spring Cleaning

Anyone, who successfully keeps up a regular practice of exercise, knows it takes serious commitment. But, every so often, even the best exercise routine needs a spring cleaning. The old routine needs some serious inspiration.   Staying committed to a fitness ...

Indoor Fitness Classes You Gotta Try

October 29th, 2018 | Blog, Steve Moye | Comments Off on Indoor Fitness Classes You Gotta Try

  With the rapid temperature drop, there is little to no chance you're making it outside for that run. Don’t panic! There is no shortage of indoor fitness activities and many options to choose from. Especially if you’ve grown bored of your typical indoor workout ...

Affordable Fitness Gadgets That Actually Work

September 1st, 2018 | Blog, Steve Moye | Comments Off on Affordable Fitness Gadgets That Actually Work

Remember those late night infomercials about savvy new gym equipment for at home use? Do you also remember purchasing those overpriced promise-maker machines and regretting your decision till this very day? The millions of people who purchased such work out equipment ...